Critics have responded to Jabra’s music with “thrilling writing" (The Mercury), “a wonderful listening experience, gripping, wholesome, moving, tender, and expertly executed” (MusicTrust), “a gorgeous meditation" (Classic FM), “arresting and vibrant" (Stage Whispers) and "catchy tunes & exceptional musicianship" (CutCommon).

Critics have responded to Jabra’s music with “thrilling writing" (The Mercury), “a wonderful listening experience, gripping, wholesome, moving, tender, and expertly executed” (MusicTrust), “a gorgeous meditation" (Classic FM), “arresting and vibrant" (Stage Whispers) and "catchy tunes & exceptional musicianship" (CutCommon). Jabra has been commissioned, performed and presented by the Tasmanian Symphony Orchestra, Musica Viva, ABC Classic, Tasmanian String Quartet, Clinch Quartet, Virtuosi Tasmania, Southern Cross Soloists, Xyris Quartet and various soloists from Australia and abroad. Jabra is recorded and broadcast by ABC Classic, published independently and by TSO House, and has been supported by Government House Tasmania, Arts Tasmania, The Winston Churchill Memorial Trust, Hobart City Council, Creative Partnerships Australia, The Banff Centre, Tasmanian Community Foundation, and private benefactors. His music has been streamed around the world over a quarter of a million times, and he is broadcast frequently, including daily as composer of the theme to ABC Classic’s Mornings program. Reviewers have described Jabra’s own playing as astonishing, virtuosic and energetic, and “the most remarkable saxophone playing”. Jabra has performed as soloist, orchestral and chamber musician and recitalist, working with the likes of the Tasmanian Symphony Orchestra, Malaysia Philharmonic Orchestra, Hobart Chamber Orchestra, Gilmour Ensemble and Opus House. As a performer Jabra has championed the music of various other Australian composers (particularly those hailing from his home State of Tasmania), including Russell Gilmour, Karlin Love, Don Kay, Maria Grenfell, Simon Reade, Quin Thompson and Timothy Coghill, recording numerous albums of new Australian music and having five concertos written for him.
KARLIN LOVE | Homage, Laments & Ecstasies for alto saxophone & string orchestra | premiered by Jabra Latham and Camerata Obscura.
KARLIN LOVE | Emerald Boa for saxophone quartet (LISTEN).
SIMON READE | Sonata for alto saxophone & piano (LISTEN).
SIMON READE | Song I & Song II for saxophone quartet;
SIMON READE | Travelogue for saxophone quartet and wind orchestra (LISTEN).
TIMOTHY COGHILL | Aspects of Friendship for soprano saxophone and string orchestra | premiered by Jabra Latham with Greg Stevens and the Hobart Chamber Orchestra.
TIMOTHY COGHILL | A Good Man for chamber ensemble.
TIMOTHY COGHILL | Falling into Sky (LISTEN).
DON KAY |Concerto for Alto Saxophone & String Orchestra | premiered by Jabra Latham and the Hobart Chamber Orchestra (LISTEN).
DON KAY | Triptych for alto saxophone & piano (LISTEN).
RUSSELL GILMOUR | Concerto for Soprano Saxophone & Wind Orchestra | premiered by Jabra Latham and The University of Tasmania Wind Orchestra.
RUSSELL GILMOUR | Eleven Duos for soprano saxophones (WATCH) (LISTEN).
RUSSELL GILMOUR | Ride for saxophone quartet
RUSSELL GILMOUR |You Say You've Seen Seven Wonders for saxophone, violin, marimba, cello & double bass. (LISTEN)
RUSSELL GILMOUR | Seven Things I'll Do Tomorrow for saxophone, violin, marimba & cello (LISTEN).
MARIA GRENFELL | Time Transfixed for soprano saxophone & piano